
I typically despise governing by budgetary tricks, but at least this one is working in our favor.
Using an obscure budget rule, administration officials are planning to freeze billions of dollars in the State Department’s international assistance budget — just long enough so the funds will expire. The current plan involves about $3 billion, though officials are said to have discussed as much as $5 billion.

The White House plans to submit the package of so-called rescissions in the coming days, which triggers an automatic freeze on those funds for 45 days. The cuts would largely come from the U.S. funding for the United Nations, according to the aide.

With exactly 45 days left in fiscal 2018, the State Department wouldn't be able to use those funds even if Congress rejects the request because those dollars will have expired by Oct. 1.
What a shame it would be if the United Nations received less of our money.


  1. Ymarsakar10:12 PM

    Now they just need to dump NASA and pour it into the actual Space Force.

  2. Of course, they immediately questioned the legality of it. They're saying it's illegal to not spend money you've been allocated and approved to spend. *facepalm*
