Colloquialisms and Racism

Cross-posted from my blog.

Ron DeSantis, Republican candidate for Governor of Florida, suggested in an interview shortly after his nomination, that his just-nominated Progressive-Democrat opponent, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, would, if elected, monkey up the Florida economy.

Oh, the hue and cry from the Progressive-Democrats, the NLMSM, and Gillum.  A colloquialism that plainly means to mess with things, or to mess things up, suddenly is a racist bull horn—much more than a dog whistle according to Gillum.

How can this be?  One candidate says another candidate will mess things up, and this is racist!?

Oh, wait—Gillum is black.

Notice that.  Gillum isn't a political candidate who happens to be a black man; he's a black man who happens to be a political candidate.

Americans for generations have worked hard to make race irrelevant.  All men are created equal, equal employment, Martin Luther King's dream, and on and on.

But not anymore.  The Progressive-Democrat, his Party, and the Left in general insist that what's important here is the man's race, not his policies.  It's his race that gives meaning to the colloquialism, not his policies.

This emphasis by the Progressive-Democrat, his Party, and the Left in general on race is rank racist bigotry.  That it's wholly artificial, done by politicians solely for personal political gain and by pseudo-journalists solely for click bait makes their racism even worse.

Gillum's cynically artificial racism should disqualify him from public office.

Eric Hines

Update: I have no sense of time. I wrote this for my blog and scheduled it for tomorrow's posting there. Yet, here it is today in the Hall....


  1. The Hall is timeless.

  2. I suspect DeSantis might have wanted to say "muck up" but his word-filter objected to that as being to close to the F-bomb. He then grabbed for "monkey around with" but he'd already formed the sentence in his mind and wound up swapping only the one word he was focused on rather than the whole phrase.

  3. I'd have said any of a number of variations of "monkey up/around/with" without a second thought. It's a perfectly fine and innocent phrase that has negative meanings only in the minds of the racists of the Left and its Party.

    Eric Hines

  4. Detecting racism is a positional good. You have to be more righteous than the others by detecting it in ever-more dilute doses, rather like homeopathy. The water remembers that there was once racism here, even if none is detectable now.

    They need us to be racist in order to feel righteous. They don't regret finding racism, they get off on it. They need it like a drug.
