You don't know this guy, but really, you do.

Shinobu Hashimoto just passed away at the age of 100. Hashimoto was the screen writer on over 70 films, among such as:

1968 Hell in the Pacific (uncredited)
1967 Samurai Rebellion
 1966 The Sword of Doom (screenplay)
1962 Harakiri (screenplay)
1960 The Magnificent Seven (screenplay "Shichinin no samurai" - uncredited)
1960 The Bad Sleep Well (written by)
1958 The Hidden Fortress (written by)
1957 Throne of Blood (screenplay)
1955 I Live in Fear
1954 Seven Samurai (screenplay)
1952 Ikiru (written by)
1950 Rashomon (screenplay)

Yeah, you know this guy. Now many of those above were directed by Akira Kurosawa, which is how most people come to these films, but It's still amazing to me the influence that these films still have and will continue to.

I've seen all of the above, some multiple times.


  1. I've seen:

    1960 The Magnificent Seven
    1958 The Hidden Fortress
    1954 Seven Samurai
    1950 Rashomon

    What do you think I should see next?

  2. I'm clearly behind, having only seen the Seven Samurai and Magnificent Seven movies.

  3. Eric Blair9:23 PM


    Ok. Definitely go find "Throne of Blood". It's Macbeth. In Japan. It's great.

    "The Bad Sleep Well"
    "I live in Fear"
    are all contemporary post-WW2 Japan stories. All with a critical eye to Japanese society as it was then. "I live in Fear" is about the atom bomb, but and put in Russia (or Trump) and the movie would still work.

    "Samurai Rebellion"
    "Sword of Doom"
    are all Edo-period dramas about the whole samurai ethic going wrong. Hari-kiri and Samurai Rebellion are brutally sad, and Sword of Doom is Has an anti-hero (well, not really a hero) that cuts his way through good guys and bad guys as they try to get him.

    "Hell in the Pacific" (which I saw a kid on TV) is Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune duking it out alone on an island in the Pacific in WW2. Must have been an interesting experience for Marvin, since he actually fought and was wounded in the Pacific in the Marines. (Saipan, among others)

    Have fun watching.

  4. Ah. I have seen "Throne of Blood," then. It must have been 20 or so years ago.

    I'll have to check out the rest. "Hell in the Pacific" in particular sounds interesting. I didn't know that about Lee Marvin.

    On the "bushido gone wrong" thing, here are two I thought were good:

    Twilight Samurai

    Year One in the North
