The War for Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies is the critical study of Europe’s self-identity. No understanding of the West is possible without it. Left-wing academics want to introduce the field to gender studies and race theory. When one Chicago professor publicly celebrated the Christian identity of the Middle Ages, she was branded a ‘violent fascist’ and ‘white supremacist’ — by other medievalists. Now Medieval Studies scholars are tearing their own discipline apart with witch-hunts, name-calling, boycotts and intimidation.
You may have concerns about the author of this piece, but his subject is another matter.
WHY I study the Middle Ages: JOY

Because I believe, with J.R.R. Tolkien, that, as creatures made in the image and likeness of a Maker, we are called by our Creator to participate as subcreators in the continuing work of creation and to be moved thereby to praise and thanks for the creation of which we are a part.

Because I believe in chivalry, science, romantic love, education in the liberal arts, the separation between Church and state, representative government, craftsmanship, markets, cities, written contracts, self-examination, self-improvement, self-defense, private property, the value of the individual, the dignity of merchants and laborers, and in caring for widows and orphans, the poor, the weak, the sick, for animals, and the natural world.
That's an impressive statement, and one that speaks of clarity of perception and thought. Clarity, also, of purpose. It is most admirable.


  1. Well, do we need a new Crusade?

  2. She looks like someone I would like at least one conversation with, though she might be wearying in large doses. One can't help but admire her.

  3. I hope I can be forgiven for bringing up the recently published book I translated, "Viking Legacy."

    The author, Prof. Torgrim Titlestad, resigned from the University of Stavanger in protest over the way history was being taught, especially Viking Age history (essentially, it wasn't being taught). He believes Viking history reveals an important basis for our modern concepts of democracy. But they didn't want him to say that.

  4. You certainly can be forgiven for bringing up your work, which is always of interest to me (and, I think, to several among the audience). Feel free to let us know when you have anything new.
