
We're watching President Trump address cheering crowds in Florida.  After describing triumph after triumph, including unheard-of employment rates among blacks, latinos, etc., he just remarked that people are always frowning and telling him he's not acting presidential.  He says he tells them, "It's a lot easier to act presidential than to do what I'm doing."


  1. Do you listen to the magician's patter or watch his hands?

  2. It's a good argument, but you left out the funny part. It was a very human moment, as well as one in which he made a significant point. If the press didn't hate him so much, and color how they present him to the people as a consequence, he'd be doing a lot better. Not perfectly, of course -- there are low moments. But that is human too.

  3. Yes, Trump's pantomime of a tight-ass, oh-so proper and prim nonentity was truly funny. The guy's instincts would have made him a great stand-up comic, lampooning all the Puritans.

    But, he needs the press as a foil. It is true that they frighten the oh-so proper Republican establishment, always have, so that the Republicans hesitate to support him. But, the press is so wildly out-of-touch with America, actually and truly anti-American, that Trump easily riles up his fans. They might scare the Republicans even more than the press. If a lot of the GOPe get pushed out this year by Trumpites, the Party might fall into line.

    He has another general election and two mid-terms to heavily salt the Republican Party with his followers.

  4. He's at his best when he makes fun of the attacks instead of letting them rile him. We missed the beginning, but in the part we watched he never even mentioned the Russia nonsense. I guess we also missed the part I'm seeing reported this morning, when he points out that the media may hate him, but they love the ratings he inspires when he gives them all this free content. They just can't get enough of him, nor can their viewers or their advertisers. He predicted they'd go out of business when he leaves office, which prompted that idiot Sulzberger to complain today that his remarks were "dangerous."
