Obama Apologizes for his "Utter Lack of Shame"

At least, I assume that's what he meant to say here. I'm still enjoying that plan he told me over and over that I could keep, except that it was canceled and the closest equivalent now costs me five times what the old one used to cost.


  1. Same here. That man can never get my attention with complaints about bald-faced lies.

  2. Gringo6:28 PM

    Recall that soon after the November 2016 election, commenter Liza dropped in to try to figure out what made Trump voters tick. When I brought up Obama's lie about "keeping your health plan," her reply was that was the fault of the EEVUL insurance companies. How could The Lightgiver have known how insurance companies would have responded to the Obamacare law?

    I dunno, didn't the feds pay Johnathan Gruber big bucks to figure that out? You know, the same Jonathan Grruber who talked about the how "stupidity of American voters" got Obamacare passed?
    No more Liza comments. Suprisinsly....

  3. I got that consistent pushback all over the internet when I complained bitterly of having my insurance destroyed. People who supported Obamacare were highly invested in pretending that the insurance companies simply discontinued my coverage to be mean. It was complete BS. It became illegal for them to continue to offer it, except to people who were grandfathered, and the HHS personnel played some really irritating games to destroy grandfathered status, too, going beyond the strict letter of the law to do so by issuing broad regulations.

    Invariably when I established these points, my interlocutor would shift to arguing that my old insurance obviously was really good, so good that it was unfair for me to keep it, unless I wanted to admit to an "I've got mine, screw you, Jack" mentality.

  4. I saw someone else reminding us of the Benghazi video guy. Now that was a guy they sent to jail to cover up their BS story. Talk about brazen.

  5. Ymarsakar6:41 PM

    THe DS using patsies as shields to blame for their human atrocities like Benghazi, isn't all that uncommon. It is far more common than Americans are allowed to know or wish to know.

    After reading parts of Admiral Husband Kimmel's autobio, he was another one that America crushed in the fashion of Athens, Socrates, and other generals.
