Rumbles in the Forest

"Is America headed to a civil war" asks... USA Today. Well, it's the Sage of Knoxville writing in the pages of USA Today, but the editors agreed to publish the piece. That this newspaper of all of them would carry a piece warning about a potentially imminent civil war suggests to me that the idea is now completely mainstream.

Who knows? We might catch up to Mexico in political assassinations sooner than anyone thinks.

UPDATE: Calls for more.


  1. USA Today's carrying the article also is consistent with the Left's scare tactics in its irrational and hysterical panic over Trump.

    We might catch up to Mexico in political assassinations sooner than anyone thinks.

    Well, we've already had one assault on Candidate Trump at a rally, and we've had a steady drumbeat of verbal assaults on Trump, Trump WH employees, and Republicans in general.

    And the list of Left's assaults on free speech and religious freedom are legion.

    Eric Hines

  2. And Progressive-Democrat Maxine Waters' promise to continue and accelerate the assaults.

    Eric Hines

  3. The baseball shooting aimed at Republicans might have got us a good part of the way to 120, if the gunman had been competent. Fortunately, he was not.

    Also fortunately, he was not part of an organized effort like Mexico has at work. But the Left is good at organizing. It wouldn't take long to put together a hit squad once they decide to do so.

  4. Or to put together a collection of useful idiots like the ballpark shooter and just turn the shotgun loose.

    Eric Hines

  5. @ E Hines - that is the radical Islamist model, and it has some effectiveness.

    I have said that for many years, the Right has been primarily defensive in its discussion of violence ("I will load up on my own property and dare Obama and the gun-grabbers to come after me!"), but readily talks about human targets. The Left is much more on offense, in-your-face, burning cars, breaking windows, knocking things over, but is more reluctant to go after human targets.

    My fear is that both limitations are breaking down.

  6. The limitation, such as it was, has already has disappeared on the Left, from that Trump assault, the ballpark mass assassination attempt, the other assaults to described, to Antifa and BLM assaults, to Leftists bringing--and employing--flamethrowers to Charlottesville.

    Eric Hines

  7. It's not yet terrible -- and if Trump supporting Reps win in November, it will likely calm down for a long while.

    The Dems are crazy-angry, but the most competent of them will get less angry if they lose enough, and continue to lose.

    Until November would be a good time for more Reps to accept being unfair victims, and try to be more martyr like, so as to get more of the undecided to vote Rep.

    It would be good to get better names for the Democrats, rather than the (no longer true) "liberals" nor even Left. There will be no "Left" on the ballot (nor blue nor red).

    I suggest Democrat PC-bullies. And rather than just a Nov referendum on Trump, try to make it so that those voting Dem, are voting in favor of Dem PC bullies. Like not serving Republicans. Like hassling those with MAGA hats.

    More customers should go into Red Hen, wearing MAGA hats or other pro-Trump stuff, and record reactions, publicizing the worst.

    The baseball shooting shows the terrible potential the Dems are trying to encourage. Reps need to accept the non-violence of Ghandi & MLK, to go for the moral high ground, while showing the greater Dem hypocrisy about it. It's very unlikely the Dems will be effective in the next few months -- much more likely there will be new, alternate, crazy reasons for the Dem PC bullies to be outraged.

    More mocking of them and their rage is also called for. Laughing at them for being so silly ...

  8. ...if Trump supporting Reps win in November, it will likely calm down for a long while.

    I'm not at all convinced of that. I see the Progressive-Democrats (including their leadership), the Left generally, and the NLMSM getting even more hysterical. We saw the violent hysteria--including vandalizing and firing businesses not at all related to politics--on the day of Trump's inauguration.

    More customers should go into Red Hen, wearing MAGA hats or other pro-Trump stuff, and record reactions, publicizing the worst.

    This. Just as Conservatives disarmed much of Obama's Web site efforts by flooding his Web sites with satire and ridicule.

    More mocking of them and their rage is also called for.

    Especially as it goads their rage and overt misbehaviors.

    I'd also like to see more folks--Carly Fiorina was a master of this--talk through NLMSM interviewers' interruptions and talking-overs, finishing their answers without allowing themselves to be shouted down. And then look into the camera and point out that the interviewer has demonstrated free speech Left-style: attempting to dictate what the interviewee will be allowed to say and attempting to dictate what the viewers will be permitted to hear. Fiorina didn't follow through on this step, though.

    Eric Hines

  9. Ymarsakar4:51 PM

    A little bit late there, "Sage". By about 10 years.
