"A Terrorist Organization"

Hamas, which claims 50 of the dead from yesterday's protests in Israel, is a named Foreign Terrorist Organization -- but all the coverage I've read is treating the deaths as if they were innocent "protesters."

The NRA, on the other hand....


  1. Liberals do not fear our external enemies, largely because they are much less likely to serve in the military. They fear their internal competition for power in the US. In DC, people in other countries are just counters on the board.

  2. BTW, I again announce I have been re-invaded at my own site and will hold off posting for a week.

  3. Sorry you feel the need to do that. I always enjoy reading your site.

  4. I could delete him, but I'd rather my readers learned what is up. It's not easy, I know.

  5. Gringo10:47 PM

    I could delete him, but I'd rather my readers learned what is up. It's not easy, I know.

    So delete him already. Having read and often responded to his stuff for years, I very rarely respond to him any more. For me the last straw was when, in a discussion of the Spanish Civil War where I recommended works by the likes of Orwell, Hugh Thomas and Stanley Payne, Zachriel recommended the movie Casablanca.

    There is something about lefties and movies. Not the first time I have seen a lefty recommend a movie instead of a book. So much for the interlekshul credentials of lefties: see a movie, it will inform you. Yeah, right.

  6. I tried to keep from responding but just couldn't at least once. I could call him out on misrepresenting my point but it would be largely fruitless as he'd just go on discussing what he wishes was said.
