Swinging Hammers

London has surpassed New York in murder in spite of nationwide gun control laws that would make an American blush. So, what's next? "London mayor looks to Glasgow's anti-knife unit."

Not that there aren't already knife controls, too.

The UK has followed Pakistan and Bangladesh in introducing "acid control" laws aimed at common household chemicals, which for some reason people have been throwing in each other's faces.

Whether this succeeds or fails, expect to be reading soon about "hammer control laws" and "common-sense limits on how large a rock you can own." Unfortunately the only way to make the rocks smaller is with hammers, so those laws will be a bit at cross-purposes.


  1. Unfortunately the only way to make the rocks smaller is with hammers, so those laws will be a bit at cross-purposes.

    Not so much. It's easy enough to not own the rock in the first place--and to turn yourself in when a rock-like piece of your concrete foundation chips off in its age and the weather. Of course, you will have to pay for an expensive upgrade of your historical or heirloom house's stone foundation to eliminate all those illegal rocks.

    Alternatively, hire a registered hammer-owner--the local policeman, for instance--to come and reduce your rock. And pay exorbitantly for a zoning variance to let you keep your--now registered and tightly controlled--heirloom house.

    Just don't get caught with a 3-D printer, a supply of sand, and some Elmer's Glue....

    Eric Hines

  2. raven3:21 PM

    These malum prohibitum laws always have to keep stepping down the ladder of production. First the drug, then the precursor chemicals, then the lab glassware, etc.
