Scott Pruitt strikes again

The man environmentalists love to hate has instituted the un-heard-of rule that EPA regulations must be based on public data.  Is there no end to the science-bashing by Trump appointees?


  1. raven4:02 PM

    I have not seen an environmentalist for a long time. There are a plethora of socialist-communist meddling busybodies that seem intent on regulating every conceivable behavior under the penumbra/pretext of "protecting Mother Gaia",but a real conservationist? They are scarce.
    Even Dave Broder, the founder of the Sierra Club, lamented it's transition from a conservation stance to a social justice advocacy organization. And Ed Abbey, old activist dean of the environmentalist movement, got the guns of the left turned on him when he opposed the illegal's and the sea of trash they spread across his beloved desert southwest. I imagine his comment "we ought to give every Mexican illegal a rifle, a box of ammo, and send them home to fix their own country" really got their knickers in a twist.
    It's a false flag concern, just another way to push a social engineering agenda.

  2. Anonymous6:50 PM

    The horror! Next he will demand fiscal accountability! Oh, woe, woe.

    *collapses onto fainting couch in hysterical swoon, then glances around to see if anyone is paying attention*


  3. "Accountability?"

    To paraphrase- "Accountability is for the little people."

    I imagine most here are familiar with the original quote.

    Leona Hemsleys comment was a peach- had the impact of a brick through a wall of polite pretense. Truth can hurt.

  4. Ymarsakar11:40 AM

    This train has passed the point of no return. No need to worry about it now.

    Trum can put the brakes on, but he has no conception of what he faces in DC. If he did, he would have followed the advice of people like me and purged every Demoncrat he could see. Instead he hired them on and expected to be worshipped like Hussein, as another Messiah figure.

  5. Gringo12:42 AM

    And Ed Abbey, old activist dean of the environmentalist movement, got the guns of the left turned on him when he opposed the illegal's and the sea of trash they spread across his beloved desert southwest.

    I am reminded of my seeing some years ago, a mattress and a bunch of beer bottles in a nearby park, where the Mexicans partied on weekends.(Yes, I had previously seen them.) I took a magic marker and wrote a rather nasty note on the mattress about those who trash our parks.

    Although my message was written in fluent, idiomatic Spanish, it would not have passed the PC test.
    Not long after, the mattress and beer bottles got removed. Which tells me the message was appropriate to what I wanted done.

  6. This would be a good law for all of our federal agencies.

    Raven, I wasn't familiar with its origin, so thanks.
