
My meter is pegged.

From The Blaze:

Eric Hines


  1. raven3:57 PM

    Well there you have it. If the state ignores the law, is there reason for any citizen to accord recognition to the States law? Save naked oppressive force on the part of the State? Has not the State, by it's actions, declared itself an outlaw? Is there some reason they simply do not sign the place over to Mexico?

  2. MikeD4:36 PM

    Is this appointment not a flagrant violation of basic employment law? How can you publically give a job to someone not eligible for employment in the United States? And if this is a political appointment, shouldn't it also be a violation of oath of office (assuming the office responsible swears to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land, which most do)? Don't just deport this flagrant scofflaw, arrest the person who employed them.

  3. I was also intrigued by Mateo's desire to educate the undeserved while ignoring the underserved.

    Eric Hines

  4. Eric Blair9:12 PM

    Dont. Have. Words.

  5. Where are the Californians? Where is the outrage?
