The Senate has been busy

A Senate report on the need to investigate disturbing revelations in the FBI Obamagate text traffic.  You can click on a link to the 30-page PDF report, but I call your special attention to pages 13-18, which quote extensively from the messages.  There also is an interesting discussion of why the FBI could not locate a large trove of missing messages over a period of several months, but the Senate was able to retrieve them after a couple of weeks of effort once the proper investigators were given access.


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Link is 404.

  2. I'll fix it, Tex.

  3. Should be good to go now.

  4. Is good to go now; I've just read the thing.

    Eric Hines

  5. Having read the thing, "Don't ascribe to malevolence that which can be laid off to incompetence" doesn't seem applicable here.

    Eric Hines

  6. Thanks for fixing my link, I was off to Corpus Christi to pick up my campaign yard signs. I'm feeling better and better about running for office. I keep listening to my new Jordan Peterson book and his advice, "DON'T LIE."
