
According to Vice magazine,

Can you imagine that? Arming women and preachers?

Unfortunately the NRA isn't offering to put guns in their hands. They'd have to provide their own guns. The NRA is just supporting their right not to have to be disarmed and helpless.

As I'm sure I've mentioned before now, I've trained some several women to shoot for such purposes. It often occurs during or shortly after a divorce, when emotions are high on both sides. So far none of them have had to make recourse to their arms for self-defense because, as xkcd reminds us, most people aren't murderers even in moments of high emotion. However, it does sometimes happen that a former spouse tries to kill his ex-wife. It's neither unreasonable nor unwise for a woman in that position to consider arming herself, and I am happy to support it.


  1. Here's a preacher who had a gun--squirreled away in his Bible.

    Eric Hines

  2. Jerry Reed did a song about a preacher and a gun, although the preacher didn't get much good out of it.

  3. The NRA ought to be offering free training to any school personnel.

  4. I just sent the NRA a check.

  5. My husband reports a meme: "This is 911. What is your emergency?" "Hello, there's a guy breaking into my house. Can you send over a couple of Broward County deputies to water my lawn while I shoot the SOB?"

    I am baffled, baffled, baffled.

  6. I just signed up for a 5 year membership with the NRA. I don't, always, maintain a membership with them. I don't like their marketing, and I don't like their 'it's always one minute to midnight' approach to politics. At this moment, though, they're the ones on the right side. The other institutions are cascade failures, but the NRA still knows what it's about.

  7. Women?! With Gunz!? Next thing you know they will let them vote! And drive!

  8. I've never been an NRA member. That's changing this weekend. I'm just trying to decide if I should join for one year so I can join again next year (which might be politically useful), or if I should save money and get a multiyear membership.

    But we shouldn't even be talking about guns, but for the crass media manipulation of this whole thing.

  9. Ymarsakar7:49 AM

    Not in NRA, so when they send out the killer drones, I'm latter on the list.

    My circles talk more about Frontsight's training than the NRA to be honest.

    I don't know why preachers are still as being incompatible with firearms. Probably a result of Jesuit propaganda or the Protestants forgetting that they once considered the Pontifex Maximus as the antichrist.

  10. We don't need guns, we have girrrrl power and the feminine mystique. Visualize world peace. It's all you guys who bring violence into the world; we just sit back and let you protect us, while holding in contempt for your warlike ways. Now go get on that plow, and keep an eye peeled for Injuns, but don't hurt any, you barbarians.

  11. And Douglas, I too am amazed that a discussion about cowardice should be converted to one about guns. The one that truly stupefies me is the argument, "See? Even an armed deputy couldn't stop this massacre, so you all give up your guns, too, or else you're complicit in the murder of children."

  12. Also joined, for one year. The difference between $75 and $80 for two years worth of membership is chump change; the political statement either is not necessary or if necessary, its value is not chump change.

    My wife will be joining separately. It turns out NRA doesn't have a family membership option, but we'd made the separate membership determination before hand.

    T, you begin to see why I have the kind of regard for that NLMSM that I have.

    Eric Hines

  13. Oh, I've been right there with you.

  14. I don't like their marketing, and I don't like their 'it's always one minute to midnight' approach to politics.

    Thanks. I thought I was the only one....

  15. Well, there you go, one year NRA membership. Like you all, I'm not one for all the hubbub and over dramatization that these organizations both feed and live off of, but as usual, I may not be interested in culture war, but culture war is interested in me. Thanks, leftists.

  16. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I just gave my daughter a 5 year membership to the NRA for her Birthday.

    and I also think its wise not to put all your eggs in one basket.

    Join Gun Owners of America also.
    I just don't like monopolies of thought. NRA needs competition.


  17. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Several friends got together and gave me a very nice handgun and some ammo for Christmas. "Your new feminine protection. May you never need to use it," one said. Amen and amen.

    Now to get my permit. And yes, I'll probably join the NRA in my own name after the next pay day.


  18. I just renewed by NRA membership and joined Gun Owners of America.
