Good question

Is “budget” the right word when the plan is to spend all the money and then some, forever?


  1. What a lot of folks, and too many politicians, forget is that no spending bill has been passed yet, beyond the latest CR. All a budget bill does is set the outer bound for permissible spending.

    The appropriations bills are where spending is done, and there's no duty to spend everything in the budget. The Conservative Caucus, and the rest of the Republicans would do well to remember that and to find the political and moral backbone to act on that.

    Eric Hines

  2. Next up, another infrastructure bill!

  3. With seed money only, this time from the Feds.

    Infrastructure improvement will benefit the nation as a whole, but the most benefit is to the proximate users. It's proper that the States and local jurisdictions pay the bulk. Unless Illinois and Missouri want to keep on paying for Iowa's bad roads. We'll see how far this one gets.

    Eric Hines

  4. I think they have given up on fiscal responsibility. We are going to have to find out what the consequences of that are, for there is no one left who still believes in it. Not in the Federal government.

  5. It's telling that Trump is a Real Estate Developer. To those people, debt is just a bunch of signed papers. Sound and Fury, designating nothing....

  6. Ymarsakar9:53 AM

    Money is a kind of magic: specifically talisman magic on the various US bills.

  7. Gringo10:45 AM

    I am VERY disappointed that Trump and Pubs in Congress didn't push more fiscal prudence. I would have liked a spending freeze for several years.

  8. The spending freeze that would have resulted would have been a government shutdown. In many respects that would have been a benefit, but the freeze also would have hastened the deterioration of our military and our ability to defend ourselves.

    The Progressive-Democrats in Congress showed that they were completely happy with that by demanding a "parity" spending increase for their precious domestic programs, all on the fiction that the domestic, which won't exist if we can't defend ourselves, are somehow as important as our defense.

    Eric Hines

  9. raven3:47 PM

    All comments are sound and reasoned, however, from a practical standpoint, can you kill a cow with a rock? These will be the new age skill-sets we must all master.
