The Wild in Winter

Looking towards Roan High Knob

Spent the weekend in the border regions between the Cherokee and the Pisgah National Forests. It was fairly cold in the high country, single digits at nights. The stars are clear and bright when it gets that cold.


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Camping or hoteling?

  2. I like cold weather camping. You have the place to yourself. My wife, however, very much does not like cold weather camping. So we compromised, and stayed at a campground but in a cabin.

  3. Well, you could have pitched your shelter half out back....

    Eric Hines

  4. I satisfied myself by taking hikes after dark (by myself).

    Camping/hiking/backpacking are among my favorite things. Sometimes I go alone, and then I do what I want. Sometimes I go with a few friends of mine, and we are all about cold weather camping -- building huge fires, heating rocks, and having a wilderness to ourselves. But this time I wanted to take my wife, and she finds that once it gets into the teens or lower she'd like a shelter with a fire inside of it. And, you know, it is pretty cozy to have one's wife, a fireplace, and a little cabin waiting at the end of a cold hike.

  5. Hot or cold hike, it doesn't get much better than that end game.

    Eric Hines

  6. One of the great hikes in my life was on a normally very popular trail in the sierras, but on snowshoes. It was almost silent, and there was absolutely no one out there- we had the whole world to ourselves, it seemed.
