Star Wars Fan Films

After the recent discussion of The Last Jedi, I saw that movie and then started looking for Star Wars stuff on YouTube. Something I discovered is that there are a lot of short fan-made videos out there, and some of them are fairly good, all things considered.

Of course, the classic Troops has been out for 20 years now.

But there's a lot of more recent stuff that's well-made, at least for amateurs. I kinda wish I could make something along these lines.

Here's one that's a little dark ...

... and a couple that are lighter ...

... and some action.

Here's an introduction to five fan films you might be interested in, the above Rebel Scum and four others.

I haven't watched these four, but here are the links:

Bad Pilots
Star Wars Down Under


  1. I think the first was my favorite. Fine ending.

  2. Ymarsakar6:31 AM

    Americans curiously still believe their money to Hollywood doesn't end in the sex slaver hands. People also believe, in general, that their foreign aid is going into the hands of the needy.
