So long, McCabe

Some perspective on the FBI bigshot the president was mean enough to fire today, just before he qualifies for full retirement.  Per Mollie Hemingway, McCabe approached White House chief of staff Reince Priebus in February 2017 to tell him "everything" in an explosive NYT piece was "BS."  The story, which alleged that Trump campaign operatives had had multiple contacts with Russian intelligence, was being aired nonstop on nearby TV sets.  Priebus gestured toward them and asked whether the FBI would repeat publicly McCabe's private denial.  McCade answered that he would have to check.  Comey called later to confirm, suggesting he might be able to clear it up in upcoming Senate Intelligence Committee briefings.  Shortly thereafter, CNN reported that
the FBI rejected a White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump’s associates and Russians known to U.S. intelligence.


  1. I'm hearing reports that he's on terminal leave until March, when his full retirement kicks in.

    It'll be interesting to see what the 4-pg memo says that Wray reviewed last night that led to this departure.

    Eric Hines

  2. I met Ms. Hemingway the last time I was in D.C., thanks to our old friend "Uncle Jimbo" of BLACKFIVE fame. She's a very nice lady, and one I think we can regard highly as a journalist. I don't get the sense that she would be intentionally deceptive in her reporting, though of course you still have to filter for interest and cognitive bias.

  3. Eric, I gather you're right about the terminal leave. So the President isn't mean to him after all. By the way, the memo is about to go public in 5 days if Trump doesn't block it.

  4. He'll probably put it on Twitter. Or read it from the podium at the State of the Union. Or both.

  5. Think he'll tweet while giving the SOTU?

  6. This morning it is reported that McCabe ordered FBI agents to ALTER THEIR 302's, a fact which came up in the IG's report. That's why Wray canned his ass.

  7. Ymarsakar10:07 AM

    The USA President is too weak to get rid of surface bureaucrats minus their pension, let alone fight his former Leftist alliance allies or his current Deep State foes.

  8. Ymarsakar10:08 AM

    One faction of the Deep State is getting rid of pawns in the FBI, because they backed Trum to counter the Deep State Cabal of spirit cookers and soul crackers.

    A lot of this conflict isn't shown to the American people because the American people can't handle the truth.

    Better late than never I guess. Now the USA is ready to hear it? They were a mite too stubborn before.

  9. T99, I guess I'm meaner than Trump. I'd have fired McCabe's pasty behind, even--especially--just "weeks" before his full retirement. His misbehavior should forfeit him all of his taxpayer-funded and paid for bennies. And he'd have used up all of his remaining resources in court because once he sued, I'd never have let him drop the matter. And I can get better lawyers than he can.

    Folks in public trust offices should be held to much higher standards than anyone else, and those who betray that trust should fall the farthest and hardest.

    Eric Hines
