No, Let's Go For A Few Months

If we can figure out a workaround to get military personnel paid, let's go for years.
Party leaders and rank-and-file senators spent all day Sunday haggling over a deal to reopen the government. But Washington's painful shutdown will nonetheless drag into Day Three.
Painful? I spent the day on the motorcycle riding all over north Georgia, and I haven't noticed a damn thing different.

UPDATE: We won, I guess. *Sigh* I suppose we'll have to let them have their government back, for now.

At least maybe Sen. Schumer will have learned not to threaten us with a good time.


  1. As I understand it, the House has to vote the thing up, too, because the period covered has been shortened from four weeks to three.

    In any event, a key here is to move on without crowing over any victory over the Progressive-Democrats, however good that might feel. Like Sun Tzu says in essence, leaving the enemy an honorable way off the field makes things easier in the future.

    Eric Hines

  2. It's a commonplace in military science that you should always leave a road open for retreat. On the other hand, if you don't follow up the rout by with harassing skirmishers, you run the risk that they'll reach a safe fortification and come back stronger later. That's how the victory at Chickamauga was squandered by Braxton Bragg. The same army he let get away came back the next year under Sherman.

  3. Yeah, but I think the optimal thing now is to consolidate and move on other matters, first among them, since that's the agreement, DACA and immigration in general. The time to harry the Progressive-Democrats, to reduce their minority even further, is next fall, when we can remind the voters of the Progressive-Democrats' ego-driven destructiveness of the last few days and of the last year. Especially if the Republican majority do, in fact, resolve concretely the DACA question. That would both benefit the Dreamers, unless the solution is to deport them all, and it would remove DACA from the fall's debates--except as a cudgel to be used on the Progressive-Democrats: Republicans solved the problem, Prog-Dems kept it alive all these years because Dreamers' value to them was not as human beings but as votes.

    Eric Hines

  4. Cynical aside: the headline on your "We won" link is Dems give up shutdown fight; the money part of the URL itself is dems-give-shutdown-fight/.


    Eric Hines
