Faint praise

CNN's poll concluded that 70% of the SOTU audience had a "very or somewhat positive" reaction.  CNN was quick to point out, however, that that's what you can expect from the kind of people who would watch a Trump SOTU.


  1. The headline on Ryan Struyk's CNN) piece at the first link:

    CNN Instant Poll: President Trump gets least positive reaction in at least 20 years

    I'm reminded of a Cold War joke about a foot race between an American runner and a Soviet Union runner. The race's outcome is described in a Soviet newspaper: "The American finished next to last, while the Soviet finished second."

    Eric Hines

  2. The CBS News poll, assuming its results can be taken seriously, doesn't suggest that there was much bias in the audience sample. Their sample had 19% liberal, which is not far from the 17-25% that turns up in different polls regarding self-identification as a liberal.

    The real issue that the CBS poll reveals, though, is that people who aren't ideologues liked the speech. "Independents who watched the speech – nearly half of whom counted themselves the President's supporters – tended to approve of the speech, and said it made them feel proud."

  3. Anonymous7:30 PM

    "CNN was quick to point out, however, that that's what you can expect from the kind of people who would watch a Trump SOTU."

    Which they watched with intense and then went out to the time & expense to poll people...lol...I swear, you really can't make this stuff up.

    Its a mental disease.
