Cats vs. Communists

Out in Austin, Texas, a young woman had an interesting idea for a business: open a coffee shop populated by her large cat collection, plus some cats who need adoption, and let customers pet the cats while they drink their coffee. Thus was born the "Blue Cat Café."

You might be surprised to learn that cats are compatible with a food service business, but apparently Texas law permits this. You won't be surprised to learn that a young woman caring for very many cats didn't have a ton of money with which to front a business, so she had to find a place with very reasonable rent for this operation. Thereby hangs a tale.

There is a longer version of the clip that opens that video, here:

Transcript: "You know, all you white people, you look really f'ing comfortable right now because you've got a small army of pigs to protect you. But they won't always be here. How does it feel to need a small army of pigs to protect you from the f'ing neighborhood?"

Notice that, in the first clip, the cafe owners confirm that 'they won't always be here' -- the police have told them that there will be no arrests nor prosecutions because they don't want to 'stir up more hate.'

Protest group 'Defend our Hoodz' has a Twitter account. They deny being involved in the vandalism, and raise counter-accusations that the young woman running the cat cafe has a racist brother she has subsequently invited to protect her establishment against these protests. 'Defend our Hoodz' are definitely Communists. They call for communal ownership of 'the land,' by which they mean all the properties in what they consider to be their neighborhood.

The Blue Cat has a Twitter account too. They are just as obviously progressives who consider themselves sensitive and loving. Peruse it for a moment and you'll discover it is full of rainbows, yoga, and women petting cats. One thing that the protesters are right about is that these are definitely "white people," in the sense of Stuff White People Like. But you push them, and you very quickly find the white people like her brother who form Nazi-themed weightlifting clubs ("the Liftwaffe").

Communists vs. Nazis, feuding over a cat-lady hipster cafe in Texas. Things like this don't really happen, do they?


  1. Gringo2:14 PM

    What a find, Grim.

    This is an example of the gentrification conflict and the splintering it has on the Democrat coalition, here played out in the East Side of Austin (East of I-35). White progressives find inexpensive real estate close to downtown and move in. In doing so, they displace minorities. Many of the minorities don't like being displaced. OTOH, many homeowners can sell at a healthy profit and purchase newer and better houses further north.

    Far lefties such as Antifa, who abound in Austin, use this as a tool to advance their agenda. Are the Antifa people from the East Side? Very doubtful. And if they DO live on the East Side, it is more than likely they are also white gentrifiers.

    Police wash their hands. "Youse guys scream police brutality. It's your fight."

    The so-called neo-Nazi brother? Even more entertaining. To be against Sharia is to be neo-Nazi?

    Time to get some popcorn out.

  2. I tend to be a starkly cat-unsympathetic person, but I'm on this lady's side pretty quickly.

  3. Police wash their hands. "Youse guys scream police brutality. It's your fight."

    Ok, but that's how you get guys with shaved bald heads and AR-15s standing watch outside the local yoga-and-cat coffee shop. If the cops won't do the job, somebody else will.

    If the police don't want that they maybe better get out there and protect people's lives and property. If they won't, it's on them what follows.

    The so-called neo-Nazi brother? Even more entertaining. To be against Sharia is to be neo-Nazi?

    I hear you. I was going to assume that was hyperbole until I ran across the "Liftwaffe" bit. So I'm not sure if he is really a neo-Nazi or not, but it's more plausible than if his only offense was turning up at other events these Communists hate.

    ...but I'm on this lady's side pretty quickly.

    She's just a kid trying to make a business work, and do some good for animals in need at the same time. You can't blame her for running to her big brother for help when the police told her they were going to hang her out to dry. That's just what anyone would do, turn to blood kin when the state fails to render justice or safety.

  4. Ymarsakar4:51 PM

    How does it feel to need a small army of pigs to protect you from the f'ing neighborhood?

    For me, there won't be a neighborhood, so there won't be a problem. Problem solved.

    No people, no problem: hence also no neighborhood.

    And if there is a neighborhood, all one has to do is to obliterate it. The power of humans is capable of it, without even asking for the aid of the elohim. Although these days trusting in the US Marines or the national guard or whatever civilian equal powerful unit DC wants to deploy, is not as certain as it used to be during OIF.

    In reality, the police aren't protecting the whites from Antifa. They are protecting Antifa and criminals, from certain... people who like hunting other certain people.

    When the police go away, then it's time to go Hunting, as Orion. It is why Leftists are scared of Pinochet, even though they were too young most of the time to be during his era or in his country. Counter Revolutionaries are only suppressed by an existing police or military. Remove the authority and incorruptibility of the existing police and military, then not only do the Maoist Revolutionary Guards get free reign, so do the anti Revolutionary guards and militias.

    Mao only won that because he intentionally held back his forces, allowing his Nationalist competitor Kai Shek, to take the brunt of the losses fighting off Japanese occupation. Mao then won the civil war later and declared himself the Liberator of China from the Japanese... how convenient humans find these political schemes.

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    How very Austin of them all. When I was in college, people from Austin wore T-shirts that read "Keep Austin Weird." Word is, they've succeeded.

    It would be interesting to know who is the source of the motivation for these protests. This coffee shop is modest, and the cats are in a trailer. This does not even remotely look like gentrification, to me. Is the rest of the neighborhood really such a slum that it makes this place look stylish and fashionable? The guy with the megaphone and tattoo is white and speaks without an accent, so the businesswoman's skin color is not the real issue. She is attractive. Did he make an unaccepted pass at her? Is this some professor's pet project? Does a nearby landowner resent the looks of the cafe?

    Also, if this business is in a rented building, there is a building owner. Where does that person fit into the picture? What happens if that building burns down? The police sound like they are willing to allow arson, or worse. A local person who owns the building ought to be able to get better protection than this.

    There is much, much more to this story.


  6. Gringo9:49 PM

    It would be interesting to know who is the source of the motivation for these protests.
    Austin has a certain number of protestors looking for a cause. Any cause will do.

    This coffee shop is modest, and the cats are in a trailer. This does not even remotely look like gentrification, to me. Is the rest of the neighborhood really such a slum that it makes this place look stylish and fashionable?
    While it is gentrification in the sense of Anglos moving into a Hispanic neighborhood, the building itself is NOT an example of gentrification.In looking at Google Map and property values, it would appear that the trailer-cafe is a blight on the neighborhood. Houses look nice on Google map pictures- in contrast to the trailer. I wonder if that is some of the complaint.

    I wonder if the neighbors sicced Antifa etc on the cafe for trashing up the neighborhood.

    Also, if this business is in a rented building, there is a building owner. Where does that person fit into the picture?
    It's not rented. Blue Cat Cafe LLC owns it.871971 BLUE CAT CAFE LLC @ 95 Navasota.

    This is an up and coming neighborhood. Appraised values near Blue Cat Cafe have approximately doubled in the last 4 years. There is a mixture of homestead properties held at least 10 years, some recently purchased as investment properties, some investment properties over 10 years, some recently purchased as homesteads. (those would be Hispanics selling to Anglos). (Homestead= property owner lives there.)

    Travis County Appraisal District search. (Blue Cat Cafe is at 95 Navasota)
