The Real Story of 2016

According to Andy McCarthy:

“I think we’re ultimately going to find that the real collusion story of the 2016 election was the way that the Obama administration put the law enforcement and intelligence arms of the administration in the service of the Clinton campaign.”

Video at the link.


  1. We changed into the USSR so slowly I hardly noticed. Actually, I noticed the whole way and told everyone and nobody seemed to care unless it was "the other side" doing it, and then it was a big deal. The idea, when I was in my 20's, that every communication of Americans would be recorded and stored for later use against them would have been unthinkable.

  2. My father warned about it the whole time until he died. "1984 is just going to be a few decades late," he'd say until people would roll their eyes and grumble about how conservative men get when they're older. But he was right, wasn't he?

  3. That's the story I've been following, anyway.

  4. Ymarsakar11:10 AM

    Been like this before Nixon. Not even new.

    For those that dislike being gov slaves, they can look COINTELPRO.
