Sounds About Right

I am the type of American they want to go away....

I know the Democrats there hate me because I’m a straight, white, Christian, Southern conservative and the people that run the Republican Party today would only care what I think if I had hundreds of thousands of dollars to give them. That’s why if I can make trouble for either group, I’m game.


  1. The idea that the Republican Party is any more likely than the Democratic Party to ignore the interests of people who don't make big donations makes me snort. Are we talking about some mythical Dem party from Camelot days, or the actual party we've been watching for the last 20-30 years?

  2. I think that once you've checked the "straight, white, Christian, Southern conservative" boxes, you don't even need to ask if the Dems would give you a voice without the cash. It's a moot point, and probably just piling on at that point.

  3. True, and I sure enjoyed the rest of the article.

  4. Ymarsakar11:46 AM

    A rebellious parting shot, that won't dent the Novus ordo seclorum

    If it was that easy to kill evil...
