Genocide in Chicago

An idea seriously suggested by a Cook County councilman: deploy UN peacekeepers in Chicago.
President Donald Trump’s implicit threat to put the National Guard on the streets of Chicago to tackle the city’s violence problem attracted widespread ridicule earlier this year.

But if the soldiers were instead wearing the sky blue helmets of United Nations peacekeepers there might not be such a problem, according to Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin, who flew to New York on Thursday to discuss what he described as a “quiet genocide” in Chicago’s black community with the U.N.’s assistant secretary-general for peacebuilding support, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco.

“The United Nations has a track record of protecting minority populations,” Boykin told Inc. before his meeting. “There was tribal warfare between the Tutsis and the Hutus in Africa, and they deployed peacekeeping troops there to help save those populations and reduce the bloodshed. We have to do something — black people in Chicago make up 30 percent of the population but 80 percent of those who are killed by gun violence.”
It's amazing to me that anyone would trust the United Nations' blue helmets in their community, given their track record.


  1. Gringo1:06 PM

    “The United Nations has a track record of protecting minority populations,” Boykin told Inc. before his meeting. “There was tribal warfare between the Tutsis and the Hutus in Africa, and they deployed peacekeeping troops there to help save those populations and reduce the bloodshed.

    The problem with this analogy applied to Chicago is that the warfare in Chicago isn't so much between groups as it is within a group. It isn't so much blacks killing whites or whites killing blacks, as it is blacks killing blacks. They are 8% of the victims, and a similar proportion of the offenders, a.k.a. killers.

    Commissioner Boykin does not appear to be among those who have called for reduced police presence in Cook County, so he can't be accused of inconsistency.Call for more police presence in Oak Park after carjackings.
    "Tomorrow I'm going to make a request of Sheriff Tom Dart that he increase his patrols in the Oak Park community. What I heard here tonight is a lot of pain, a lot of fear," Boykin said.

    Boykin appears to be in the "let's try something" group. Here he doesn't come across as a corrupt Chicago pol, but a concerned servant of the people.First District Commissioner Richard Boykin wants all 17 Cook County commissioners to voluntarily take an annual salary cut of $10,000 each. Good for him. But did he take the cut himself?

    BTW, Oak Park's plan for beating blockbusting probably wouldn't pass muster today- though it was effective.

  2. Gringo1:07 PM

    That would be 80%, not 8%.

  3. raven4:59 PM

    “There was tribal warfare between the Tutsis and the Hutus in Africa, and they deployed peacekeeping troops there to help save those populations and reduce the bloodshed."

    Hmm. Not quite what the histories say. The UN's role in Africa seems mostly to disarm the victims and herd them into confinement where they can be easily slaughtered, rape and rob the vulnerable, and stay way the hell away from any actual danger.

  4. "The UN's role disarm the victims and herd them into confinement slaughter, rape and rob the vulnerable, and stay way the hell away from any actual danger."

    To complete the otherwise comprehensive list, we need only add "pollute the waterways with cholera."

  5. Ymarsakar10:23 AM

    As I wrote to Grim years ago, Bush II will have to put COIN forces into Chicago whether he or Americans like it or not. Might as well do it before the 2008 election.

    Another thing that I wrote, which came true, inevitably. Although the details are somewhat different than the case was back in 2007.

    The key behind foresight is that it is unexplainable by humans. Statistically, humans are right/wrong 50% of the time. When things break the mathematics, and nobody has an accurate explanation, then it is foresight. The minor luck happenstances and coincidences are due to intuition or superior IQ.

  6. Ymarsakar10:27 AM

    Survivalists used to go on and on about Jade Helm. Should not pay too much attention to Alex Jones or other questionable sources of narrative.

    But one thing that was always true is that the Leftist alliance had a drastic need of a civilian military force equal to and superior than the US military. Whether they obtain this Einsatzgruppen or Stasi special forces from indigenous BLM or Leftist forces, is irrelevant. If they can obtain it form hijacked police and military units, so be it. If they can obtain it by inviting in bribed UN mercenaries, so be it. The need must be filled, strategically, as there is no strategic if the logistics fail first.

    Americans tend to think they have control of this, so they invite in the Left or the UN or whomever past the gates and suddenly they don't have a city any more. Or a country. And the Republic is Dead. Then supermajority gets this surprised look on their face, as if nobody warned them. Oh somebody warned them, I can guarantee that.

  7. The UN is more properly described as the United Governments. It is used as an incantation by those on the left, and even some moderates, because of what it was supposed to be, and what it pretends to be now. The reality on the ground is disregarded. I will cynically note that in one way it fulfills its mission: it allows liberals to pretend they have done something nice for the downtrodden.

    Side note: even professors at Catholic colleges use the UN as a synonym for "properly instituted authority" when discussing Just War these days. I don't recall that being part of Aquinas's formulation.
