Auld lang syne

I've finished a batch of black-eyed peas and greens for tomorrow, as well as a spinach-orange-olive-pecan salad and a radish-jicama-queso-fresco-pine-nut salad for our neighbor's shindig tonight. There's a roaring fire in the fireplace. We've covered a few plants in preparation for a freeze tonight and tomorrow night--not an extreme freeze like you're getting in the rest of the country, but more of a freeze than we normally get here. We even have a few overnight guests, also unusual for us. I'm looking forward to the party tonight, which includes my annual dose of playing and singing, my heart's delight.


  1. A very happy New Year, Tex!

  2. Happy New Year!

    We are having a simple evening in by the fire, with a bit of cheer.

  3. Ymarsakar5:08 AM

    This man made global warming is going to kill us. Or at least, that was the story.

    Through the records, humanity has only been wiped out by one thing and promised to be wiped out by another: water and fire.

  4. We sang and played until about 2 a.m. My radish salad was surprisingly well received, I think because we used black-skinned radishes from the garden. They're as easy to grow as ordinary red radishes, if not more so, and a little sweeter. I find most radishes a little hard to take. This recipe tones them down by combining them with the sweeter jicama and the honey-lemon dressing, not to mention the nuts and cheese.

    The fire is roaring again. Looks like we have sleet on the way.

  5. Happy New year! A friend had a small party, and I brought the Guinness. Good times. Good start to the new year. Here's hoping for the best for us all. With the kids off for another week yet, we've headed to Vegas to visit my in-laws.
