More Evidence of Russian Collusion!

WASHINGTON — The turkey pardoned by President Donald Trump has had multiple contacts with Russian officials over the past year, Duffel Blog has learned.

Grav E. Gobbles, a 4-year-old bird from western Minnesota, received a pardon Tuesday during a ceremony in the Rose Garden. But how Gobbles was able to secure a presidential pardon has come under scrutiny, sources say.

According to sources, Gobbles met privately on multiple occasions with Russian officials over the past year ...
They've got him now, eh?

I'm grateful for many things this year, but near the top of the list is that Hilary Clinton is not president.


  1. Ymarsakar9:49 AM

    Believing in humans who said that HRC the WIcked Witch of the West would be in jail if they were President is easily avoidable for the wise.

    Human lies and deception won't stop until the purge at the end. Until then, the angels are better at deception.
