
The NYT's Opinion page finally throws away its last shred of pretense to objectivity. This Rubicon was crossed so slowly that you may not even notice that we've finally reached the opposite shore.


  1. Gringo4:50 PM

    Contact @SenatorCollins, (202) 224-2523, particularly if you live in Maine, and ask her to oppose the Senate tax bill because it would repeal Obamacare's individual mandate, driving up the cost of health insurance.

    As if Obamacare hasn't already driven up the cost of health insurance! My siblings and their significant others live in Maine- though one pair spends only half the year in Maine. One pair would take the bait. The other would not.

  2. My insurance now costs 4x what it did before Obamacare, and it's not slowing down.

  3. I thought the Opinion Page was the one place where the paper didn't have to be objective. Just sayin'

  4. You don't see a difference between "We endorse X" and "Call these Senators at X number and advocate Y"? The one is traditional newspaper opinion; the other is using their newspaper's subscription/follower lists as a political action committee. Or so it seems to me.

  5. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I work two Jobs, 7 day a week.
    My weekend Job pays for my healthcare.

    Obamacare Delenda Est!



  6. Aye to that. Death to Obamacare.

  7. Our insurance costs went up some obscene percentage again this year, 40 percent or so, but the subsidy went up enough so out of pocket exspense is LESS than last year. So because we cannot afford the quadrupled cost of insurance since the implementation of zerocare, someone else has to pick up the tab, or the program is financed thorough deficit spending, or both. You know what astounds me? Our main financial goal has become carefully avoiding making too much money , because if we go over the subsidy cliff and have to pay full boat, we can't afford any insurance. IIRC, (and I try not to dwell on it) it would be a $20,000+ hit. Every time I hear some democrat moaning about the poor I want barf.
    Most people do not see the effects of this- most have camo painted over it because of various cost sharing by their employers. A guy working for a major corporation told me was not sure about getting a new pair of glasses because he did not know if his work insurance covered it.... i have heard these little complaints by all sorts working for big operations, especially the gov- they whine about expenses the rest of us regard as normal everyday costs.

    If tomorrow morning every gov employee had to pay full zerocare costs, there would be politicians hanging from lampposts before noon.

    The insurance programs are happy, I am sure- what we are seeing here is the exact reason tuition costs have gone up so much- "free" federal money.

    Burn it to the ground and salt.

  8. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Yes!!! Burn it to the ground and salt.
    Well Spoken!

  9. Grim, yes, I see that, and it's an issue, but the loss is not one of objectivity, it's of a restraint from outright advocacy. Not sure it matters that much- I think I'd rather see them make it all obvious and clear what their biases are than to pretend they're objective.

    "Our main financial goal has become carefully avoiding making too much money , because if we go over the subsidy cliff and have to pay full boat, we can't afford any insurance."

    Oh, man, do I know what you mean. I could make another 10k a year, but the tax/insurance hit would make the time investment not worthwhile. I'd rather have a little more family time. I'd really have to be confident I could make another 20k (at least) to go ahead and do it, given that cliff, and that's really difficult to do. That's no way to stimulate small business growth.
