Identity Partisanship

When I saw the headline, promising a feminist/rape-culture study of the Al Franken case, I was hoping to see a much-needed, thoughtful reflection on principles and limits governing what to do about various degrees of sexual misconduct. I'm afraid she has simply elected to defend the actual standard, which is that Democrats should be given something of a pass while Republicans should be destroyed.

To her credit, this is an honest explanation of what she thinks. There's value in that.
Cynics on both the right and left will presume I am passing by this particular steam tray on 2017’s smorgasbord of feminist outrage because Franken is a Democrat, and so am I. (I was even his proud constituent for two years.) In the most superficial sense, this is true. But it’s meaningless to say it’s because I am a Democrat without asking why I am a Democrat.

I am a Democrat because I am a feminist who lives under a two-party system, where one party consistently votes against the interests of women while the other sometimes does not.... Democrats are members of the only party positioned to pump the brakes on Republicans’ gleeful race toward Atwoodian dystopia.
I get the binary choice issue, which does sometimes apply. But in this case, a Democratic governor would appoint Franken's replacement. There's actually nothing to be lost by his resignation.

Here's what she says she would prefer:
[I]f Franken genuinely wishes to be an ally to women, as he claimed in an expanded statement Thursday, here’s what I would like to see him do. First, cooperate fully with an ethics investigation, as promised. Second, declare as soon as possible that he will not run again in 2020, so other Democratic candidates for that seat have plenty of time to prepare their campaigns. Third, go on a listening tour to learn what the women of Minnesota — Native American women, Somali women, Hmong women, Karen women, disabled women, queer women, working-class women... Accept that some women will not want to talk to him at all, or will only want to yell at him for being a pig. Go anyway.

After all that, I would like to see him support a qualified progressive woman, who will carry on that important work, to run for his seat.
What if, as is not unlikely, he doesn't really 'wish to be an ally to women'? What if he just wants this to all blow over so he can go on enjoying the exercise of power? "Listening tours" are a great way to let everyone release their anger without actually accepting any change; talking about something feels like doing something about it. That's exactly why Hillary Clinton went on "listening tours" on a regular basis. It was always about letting angry constituents vent, so that she could go right back to exercising power. Even if Franken announced he was not going to run in 2020, by 2019 he could change his mind and say, "You know, I've learned so much, I feel obligated to carry all these lessons back to Washington. I can use my greater experience and seniority to be effective for women in a way that no newly-elected junior Senator could."

This approach to politics doesn't get you anywhere because it consents to being divided, which as everyone knows comes right before being conquered. You've self-segmented your market, making it all the easier for the powerful to sell themselves to you. They'll never help you because they don't have to in order to get your vote. They can devote themselves to helping the people who still have something to trade, like campaign donations or sinecures for friends and family. Nothing's going to change if this is the approach. They'll just take a break, have a 'listening tour,' and then get right back in the big chair.


  1. Ymarsakar12:48 PM

    Leftists do what Leftists do. And evil does what evil does.

    Humans make things to be more complicated than it has to be.

  2. When she says "the interests of women" she means two things: abortion and general liberalism.

  3. He said about his apology for pushing a joke to SNL about raping a then-prominent female journalist, offered during his 2008 campaign for Senate that he

    didn't think he should have to apologize for the cracks, which his opponents were taking out of context. "To say I was sorry for writing a joke was to sell out my career, to sell out who I'd been my entire life," he writes [in his book]. "And I wasn't sorry that I had written Porn-o-Rama or pitched that stupid Lesley Stahl joke at 2 in the morning. I was just doing my job."
    But…"I learned that campaigns have their own rules, their own laws of physics, and that if I wasn't willing to accept that, I would never get to be a senator." And so Franken took a deep breath and told a little white lie: "I'm sorry."

    Little white lie. Franken still wants to be a Senator. With his clearly stated position that apologies are just lies to be mouthed in order to get what he wants, how is it possible for anyone—let alone the woman who accused him last Thursday—to believe his apology for that Afghanistan harassment? Or any other apology he might pretend to offer for any other transgression? Or anything at all he might say on any matter?

    He's still a Senator, too.

    Eric Hines

  4. So remember kids, it's totally okay to be a hypocrite as long as you have a "good reason"(TM).

  5. Eric Blair9:10 PM

    Yeah, pretty much.

  6. go on a listening tour to learn what the women of Minnesota

    What if the women of Minnesota want him to work to repeal Obamacare, and aren't enchanted by their taxes funding Planned Parenthood, and also would like him to look into why on earth the government is demanding their teenage daughters must shower in the same school locker room as boys?

  7. The Republican "hold-my-nose" support for Trump is much the same. The difference seems to be that we expect this behavior of Democrats, but not Republicans.

  8. I hold my nose and vote for flawed candidates all the time. I hope I do it without making up transparently ridiculous reasons for excusing bad behavior, but that is a severe temptation.

    "What if the women of Minnesota want him to work to repeal Obamacare, and aren't enchanted by their taxes funding Planned Parenthood, and also would like him to look into why on earth the government is demanding their teenage daughters must shower in the same school locker room as boys?"--Oh, that's easy. Just say they're not the "real" women and go listen to the others instead.

  9. Yep. I keep telling my wife that little of this surprises me because I never thought much of the class of 'politicians' in the first place. There are, I hope, exceptions, as there are some in politics that I think are good people, but if they turned out not to be quite so good, would I be surprised? No.
