Hard At Work in the Cockpit

US Navy pilots try their hand at skywriting. "WARNING: Some viewers may find the photos in this story offensive."

UPDATE: Terminal Lance on the occasion.



  1. No training value? That's some precision flying to do any sort of sky writing. And frankly, those pilots have shown that they need the practice.

    WARNING: Some readers may find snowflakes wasting bandwidth on looking for excuses to be offended offensive.

    Eric Hines

  2. raven7:49 PM

    We are seeing what happens when fighting men come up against a SJW culture . Apparently the Navy brass is pissing themselves in apologies.
    The correct response-
    "Just some random contrails, Ms SJW, you have an active imagination. Been some time, eh?".
    Unfortunately, the sort of of people who become fighter pilots, special forces, combat infantry etc are also high testosterone, high spirited individuals, inclined to have a wild side now and again. Goes with the territory.
    What I find really astonishing is the same culture that has absolutely inundated the country with porn finds such horror in minor sexual inferences.

  3. Eric Blair9:09 PM

    Nice figure 8.

  4. raven9:11 PM

    Unfortunately for the SJW's, as if they succeed in washing out the warrior culture, they will find themselves back in a "traditional", AKA second tier role ,having eliminated the very ones who will fight for them. If they are lucky they will not end up in burkha's , or someones sex slave.
    Pajama boy is not going to cut it as protector of the realm.

  5. Very punny title, sir.

  6. Ymarsakar11:57 PM

    The Deep State and the powers that be do not need the Leftist alliance to win the war. They just need the cannonfodder the fix and hold the attention of humanity, until they can get around to summoning the greater powers to put the permanent shackles of slavery on.

    From religion, philosophy, economics, or politics, it is the same strategy.
