Christopher Tolkien Steps Down

Personally, learning the greatest Tolkien scholar, and a man who has honored his father in an exemplary way, has left the care of his father’s legacy to others feels like reading the end of LOTR where Galadriel, Elrond and the other great elves leave Middle-earth. There is a keen sadness, but admiration and beauty as well.
The article goes on to explore the ramifications.


  1. Ymarsakar12:49 PM

    He probably did a lot of family genealogy.

  2. Ymarsakar12:55 PM

    There may be a surprising number of Catholics, especially the ones who read John C Wright's stuff as fans, that treat Tolkien as a prophet, in the sense that all poets are prophets (not that I would ever believe something like that).

    The market is rich for the harvesting, MPAA. Somebody is going to go at it.

    Although, the truth may be stranger and even more entertaining than Tolkien's fiction.

  3. Harvesting, indeed.

    I have forwarded to the CS Lewis group.

    I worry about what will come. Of course, I worried about Peter Jackson's work as well and delayed for years watching it, until my children made me. I liked it well enough. I could see why he made the plot changes he did, and his landscape was better than what was in my imagination.

  4. The landscape was beyond fabulous. Really, all the art direction was superb. I thought they were well done. Not so much the Hobbit, especially the second and third installments, which pretty much lost the thread. Does every movie have to have a long series of elaborate CGI fight sequences? Doesn't anyone know how to propel a plot any more? "Dead Pool" had a ton of fight sequences, but they all worked.

  5. "Doesn't anyone know how to propel a plot any more?"

    Addressing this in the general- movies are now more considered for box office internationally than they are in America, because we watch so few movies in the theater anymore. The consequence of this is that things like long fight scenes (which really require no translation or cultural framework) are sure winners. Long serious dialog? I'm afraid that's mostly a thing of the past. That's not a good thing either. Every time I watch a movie that's twenty or more years old, I'm reminded how much better dialog used to be.
