Scary, Scary Halloween

What's the most terrifying thing you can be this Halloween? A white guy with a pickup truck that has a Gadsden flag license plate on the front.

The very stuff of nightmares!


  1. Disgraceful.
    Identity politics is all they have left.

  2. Ought there not be a Confederate Battle Flag on the rear, too?
    No, I guess the lefties just couldn't DO that.

  3. There was such a flag in the opening seconds.

    It's a sign of the Left's desperation that they stoop to this. One hopes it backfires in...spades.

    Eric Hines

  4. You know, I often see teenagers driving around in trucks with Confederate Battle Flags streaming from the rear (generally full sized ones, usually in pairs). But I don't remember ever seeing a middle aged dude like the one in the commercial doing so.

    By coincidence, I spent part of the weekend at the Mountain Moonshine Festival in Dawsonville, Georgia. It's a big hoot full of blockade runners and early race-cars, as well as American muscle cars and bikes. You can buy a moonshine still if you want to learn how to make your own. The whole thing celebrates that heritage, and it's totally legitimate and authentic there: the whiskey still downtown was recovered from a moonshiner, and the Prohibition-era blockade runners gave rise to stock car racing. Bill Elliot is from Dawsonville, the Dawsonville Pool Room is full of all this racing memorabilia from his career, and his family racing center is just outside of town on Georgia Highway 183.

    Lots of Confederate flags there. A few Gadsden flags. One of the booths was taken out by the Rotary Club using a shotgun raffle to raise money and gauge potential new members for interest, and another by a III%er militia using a knife raffle for the same purposes. Members of the Wingmen MC's Dawson County charter, a Veterans' motorcycle club, were all over the festival.

    It was exactly the population that terrifies these people. It's basically the culture I grew up in, though I've been many other places and done many things since. It saddens me to think that this culture has become the target for demonization, but it's what Joe Bob Briggs was writing about the other day. Every good hero story needs a villain, and these guys are the designated villains. It's a key role, villain, utterly important to the success of the story. Somebody's got to be the bad guy, whether they like it or not.

  5. Ymar Sakar6:29 PM

    I am still waiting for the Left to figure out how to do a false flag drive and hit. In fact Manhattan had one recently.

    They just need to put "things in the car" to implicate certain parties. How hard is that?

  6. Ymar Sakar6:30 PM

    Somebody's got to be the mad scientist or enemy of society, and it was pretty good for me as a way to observe humans objectively.
