Poll: Only 51% of Democrats Support Investigating Trump

Meanwhile, nearly two thirds of respondents felt that the current investigations into President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia are hurting the country more than helping. Only 51% of Democrats felt the investigation was helping, with the other 49% arguing it was hurting.


  1. Well, of course they think it's hurting. It's starting to expose the Progressive-Democratic Party's collusion with Russia.

    Eric Hines

  2. Gringo6:20 PM

    What E Hines said.

  3. I was going to ask when the poll was taken. Before or after it came out that the DNC had hired Fusion GPS to generate a Trump dossier? Before, it looks like.

  4. Ymar Sakar6:08 PM

    The Demoncrats need more "brain washing". Not good enuf. If they can use the warlock witch summon rituals, they can get more demons and elohim involved. That'll do it.
