A Communist Insults Mattis

Article 88 only applies to commissioned officers, one of which a certain young buck became this May. His insult towards the Secretary of Defense is timestamped after that. It's a pretty open and shut case, especially for a guy who was kicked out of the Rangers for standards. The 10th Mountain Division, his current unit, will have every reason to see him as a threat to good order and discipline and punish him appropriately.

That's not what I wanted to talk about.

What I want to talk about is RedState's closing argument.
Officially, Rampone might be ruined anyway, as he also insulted Vice President Mike Pence on Twitter as well, calling him “a f**king medieval, cold-blooded killer."
Negative. "F**king medieval, cold-blooded killer" is a compliment. Mike Pence should be proud.


  1. Eric Blair7:44 PM

    I really don't get that. Mike Pence hasn't killed anybody.

  2. Killer probably means "hurts feelings really badly by holding to now-forbidden opinions."

  3. How on Earth is it that someone who was RFSed for insubordination and endangering his fellow troops gets the privilege of acceptance to West Point? What the hell is going on there? This has to go deeper.

  4. Ymar Sakar6:34 PM

    Didn't Benedict Arnold have something to do with West Point at one time...

    but irregardless, there is also Black Power salutes at WP.
