How To Thank a Firefighter

A farmer in England knows how.
Firefighters in Wiltshire, England rescued 18 piglets and two sows from a barn that was going up in flames in February, according to the BBC. The fire ended up consuming 60 tons of hay. Six months later, the farm gave the firefighters sausage made from the pigs to thank them.

“I’m sure vegetarians will hate this,” said Rachel Rivers, the manager of the farm where the pigs were saved.

Rivers and farm owner Canon Gerald Osbourne defended the gift, saying raising and slaughtering livestock is their livelihood.

“I gave those animals the best quality of life I could ever give until the time they go to slaughter and they go into the food chain,” Rivers said, adding that “you do feel sad at the end of it.”

The firefighters, who barbequed the sausage, didn’t seem to mind. They called the meat “fantastic.”
I imagine it was. There's a great butcher shop not far from here where we get fresh sausage on a regular basis. It never disappoints.

1 comment:

  1. Our neighbors often shoot wild pigs and take them into town to be processed into sausage. Great stuff. I'll take all anyone will give me.
