Eclipse Glasses

I rode up into the totality footprint yesterday. It was really something. I'm glad that America had a moment of something special that we could all do together, even if for most of the country it was only a partial eclipse.

In the aftermath, you may have some of these special sunglasses people bought to watch the thing. Instead of throwing them away, send them to this group that wants to stockpile them for kids in South America next year. Why not? It won't cost but a postage stamp, and you probably won't need them again.


  1. The wife and I drove to the Columbia Zoo for the 2m 41s totality. Added side benefit, we got to observer the (non-human) animals' reactions to the eclipse. The bonobos made a HUGE racket right up until totality when they went dead quiet and got back to normal as soon as totality ended. Very interesting.

  2. Gringo6:16 PM

    Grim- why did you delete the posting with the AnfiFa screenshot?

  3. I decided, based on AVI's comments, that I was painting with too broad a brush. Mostly it's just this one person who'd been annoying me with Antifa celebration -- as he put it, 'two chicks we talked to.' There's enough of that going on without me adding to it.

  4. Gringo10:05 PM

    Who organized it? Thousands Expected to Attend Boston Protests of Right-Wing Rally.
    The “Boston Free Speech Rally” — organized by a coalition of groups calling themselves "libertarian" and "conservative" — has been on the books since late July and the protests were organized not long after by ANSWER Coalition Boston and the local chapter of Black Lives Matter (BLM).

    Neither ANSWER Coalition not BLM are very palatable.

  5. Gringo10:34 PM

    Grim, seems that the "mostly peaceful" protest had a fair amount of not so peaceful protest. Violence at Common rally detailed at arraignments.
    As many as 2,000 “hostile” protesters surrounded police, some throwing bottles filled with urine and punching and spitting at cops as they tried to escort participants from Saturday’s “Free Speech Rally” out of Boston Common, according to police reports filed in court yesterday.

    The crowd answered an order to disperse with “a barrage of insults directed toward the officers,” the police narrative states. As cops in riot gear began pushing back the crowd with their batons and shields, “they were met with violent resistance,” the reports state. One riot cop’s face shield was cracked, while protesters tried to rip off the officers’ protective gear and grabbed one officer’s radio.

    As AVI knows, Masshole is a term not entirely undeserved.
