Divisions in Islam

Syrian refugees in Germany don't much go to mosque, because the only Arabic-speaking mosques they can find are too affiliated with Wahhabi and Salafi traditions. Most of the mosques, though, are inaccessible because they only speak Turkish. The Turks don't speak Arabic at all, and would also be too hardline if they did.

It'd be interesting if the Syrian refugees turned out to be a part of the cure for the radical Islamic movements in Europe.


  1. Historically, it's not the refugees that go on to be radicalized. It's the next generation.

  2. That's true, although it's not quite as strong as the second rather than the first: the second generation radicalizes at double the rate of the first generation.

    Still, you raise a good point.

  3. Also, that article lays a broad claim based on, so far as I can tell, anecdote. Of course there are some people like those interviewed. How many people were interviewed? How many were like this? How many refused to be interviewed?

    It reeks of agenda 'journalism' at it's finest.
