Theory of Mind

On the upside, Reality Winner does believe that her fellow Americans have minds. On the downside, she thinks you're all suckers.
On Thursday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Solari revealed in an Atlanta, Georgia court that Winner told her sister via a jailhouse phone: “I’m going to play that card being pretty, white and cute, braid my hair and cry and all."

As noted by The Daily Caller, Solari also claimed that "Winner told her mother that she wanted her to tell the media that she was afraid for her life."

“Play up that angle,” the 25-year-old said to her mother, during a jailhouse conversation.
Well, someone's a sucker, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. She bought far too heavily in the idea that "white privilege" was something so strong she could "white" her way out of trouble. I think needless to say, reality hit Miss Winner particularly hard (pun intended).
