Sumer is Icumin In

This is the oldest known musical composition featuring six-part polyphony.  Apparently it also may not be entirely appropriate for today, as "Sumer" may have applied to a longer period of time than "Summer", and so they may have been singing this earlier in the year in the 13th century.  Regardless, here's hoping for a Summer as festive and merry as this rendition of a very old song.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's right. It's more like May than late June.

    Still, the phrase does mean "summer has completely come to be," rather than what we'd mean if we said, "Summer's a'comin' in!" You might hear a Southerner say that at times, but what he or she would mean is that Summer's not quite hear yet, but you can tell it will be soon. It's interesting to me that the sense of that phrase changed somehow.
