A promise we can all get behind

In a nice counterpoint to the hyperventilating about Trump's withdrawal from the Paris "accords," Commentary Magazine gives us an example of the pitiful tissue of nothingness in which the participating countries are expressing their continued staunch support.  Pakistan, for instance, has agreed to "reduce its emissions after reaching peak levels to the extent possible.” As the author points out, that is a definition of the word "peak," not a commitment.


  1. So, Pakistan agrees to reduce its emissions after it has reached, to the extent possible, its peak of emissions.


    Eric Hines

  2. That is indeed a definition of the word "peak."

  3. Great all-purpose structure, right? You can tell your doctor you're going to lose a few pounds after you reach your peak weight, to the extent possible.

  4. The promises of the Obama Accords are like the Obama insurance promise: If you like your current climate, you can keep it. And by the way, your costs are going to go down.

    False then, and false now.
