Talking About the Queen Again? On Independence Day?

Vox apparently decided that Memorial Day was the right day to run an article titled, "The Marine Corps has a 'toxic masculinity' problem."
The Marines’ reaction was to be expected, though. The corps acts like a fraternity, according to Emerald Archer, an expert on women’s advancement at Mount St. Mary’s University in California. Many Marines, she said, believe that integrating women would ruin that brotherhood.

Those who work with Marines agree. There’s a “toxic masculinity culture” in the Marine Corps, James Joyner, a professor at the Marine Command and Staff College, told me.

That may be what is at the core of the women-in-infantry debate among Marine ranks: the identity crisis of a historically macho club now being forced to let in women.

Now that the Marine Corps must allow women to serve in combat roles — and is putting out recruiting commercials highlighting that fact — it tears at the social fabric of the service.
Like a fraternity, right. With graveyards.

Meanwhile, long-time commenter and former milblogger "Daniel, USMC" dropped by the comments to our recent discussion on the USMC's falling infantry standards. The recent sharp drop in standards to accommodate female Marines comes at the end of a long decline in standards for the School of Infantry, he notes.
I spoke to a friend of mine who did SOI a decade after I did; they've lowered the standards for SOI even before women in the infantry was an issue.

When I went through Alpha-traz in the early 90's, the benchmark forced hump was based on MCCRES standards: 40K in at least 8 hours. Troop handlers made sure we made it under par. Benchmark hump when he went through was 20K, half of MCCRES. We aren't even training Infantry to FMF standards.
(SOI: School of Infantry; MCCRES: Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation; FMF: Fleet Marine Force, i.e., the post-training Corps that deploys on missions worldwide.)

We're told by Vox that "the Marine Corps needs to change," and that this marks a "fight for the soul of the Marine Corps." An institution doesn't have a soul, but it can have an essence. The real question ought to be: what is essential to an institution like the Marine Corps? That it be able to win the wars it is sent to fight, or something else?


Task & Purpose has some interviews with Army female infantrymen from the recent class, plus trainers and some men involved.
Much of the controversy surrounding the integration of women has involved the maintenance of standards. In a statement, Command Sgt. Maj. Tyrus Taylor affirmed that “the standards remained the same from previous classes” and that “male and female trainees all had to pass the same significant requirements to graduate.”

Asked if he agreed, the male infantryman wasn’t so sure. “A lot of them were pushed through because they were females,” he said, explaining that he thinks the female soldiers were given more chances to stay in the course than their male counterparts were afforded. The instructor took issue with that assertion though. “Everyone did the same thing, and that’s why not all 34 that started, graduated,” he said. “If anything, the standards were upheld even more because there were females in the unit.”

There was one notable exception though: The standard Army Physical Fitness Test. “They [the Army] still grade them on the female scale,” the instructor admitted, “however, they are also part of a pilot program to do away with separate gender grading. This will in turn lower the standards for males, yet make the playing field pretty even when it comes to physical fitness test.”

As it stands now, female infantryman have to complete 23 fewer push-ups than their male counterparts, and they have more than three additional minutes to complete their two-mile run.
So, lower standards for all! That should fix everything.


  1. "Toxic masculinity"? That's just hate-filled misandry by a bunch of bigots. As I think we realized a long time ago, they'll cook up any pseudo-intellectual excuse to destroy every last bit of America. They've cut down pretty much every non-religious institution (and some of the religious ones) and now it's our warriors' turn.

    Making our armed forces weak and incapable of fighting wars means we won't fight wars, one of the primary goals of the left. For them, the essence of the USMC should be the same as every other institution: to bow down to the Left and obey, and to offer no refuge to any other world view.

  2. Eric Blair9:12 PM

    I like the comment I saw on Twitter: "I want the Marine Corps to be masculine and toxic."

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    BS. There is nothing toxic about the Marines, and I know it because I have watched their training.

    My boys had the advantage of a Marine for a teacher in elementary school. He was like the pied piper. He knew how to motivate the kids, keep them interested, teach them, and get them to behave. He did not have to raise his voice to do it. I saw him in action, and took notes.

    My son was in ROTC in high school, and one day when he was putting all that symbolic stuff on his freshly-cleaned shirt, I asked him if he knew the point of the exercise: he said he did, and then proceeded to tell me all about the training that ultimately results, on a bad day, in being able to reach into a dark truck and get what you need with no time to waste. All that training was pointed to one goal: keeping them alive.

    That kid was also a Devil Pup. Yup, the kids got yelled at and yup they got pushed. They loved it. They learned to think and not be intimidated by noise, and also that they were capable of doing much more than they originally thought. Those two lessons are worth their weight in goals, for citizens.

    "Toxic masculinity" is code for "a far better educational system than we have created."

    The envy of the civilian education system for our military is toxic, especially in the estimate of those who see anti-intellectual professors doing their best to destroy our children's ability to think.


  4. Anonymous1:51 PM

    *goals. It's a typo, I meant "gold," but I like it a lot better in that sentence.


  5. Eric Blair8:14 PM

    Toxic to the ENEMY.

  6. What happens to the Marine Corps when one of the first lessons a recruit learns is that you can't trust your superiors to be straight with you?
