Beware Skotland

A Norse travel guide has been recovered recently, written on 800 year old sheets of vellum.
THE very rough guide to Scotland offered the would-be traveller the following warning. Be very careful there, it says – the natives are dangerous, the language incomprehensible and the weather is awful....

The chronicles have been interpreted by Gisli Sigurdsson, a historian at Reykjavik University... Sigurdsson said the sagas were a warning to travellers that they would encounter a general foggy area, dangerous landings, hostile natives and language problems. They wrote that the people would probably attack you immediately.
That sounds about right.


  1. Ymar Sakar4:44 PM

    Hence why the Norse liked to stay on the islands north east of Scotland, and didn't try going into Scotland to raid em for gold. It's not like the Scots had much valuables compared to the Egyptian princess founder they derived from.

  2. DL Sly5:27 PM

    Well, everyone knows how much they hate getting dressed up fer nuthin'.

  3. The ingratitude of those Scots. After all the nice things we did for them.
