WeaponsMan, aka Kevin O'Brien, RIP

I don't know about you all, but I often lurked over at WeaponsMan blog, not really knowing enough to say anything of interest, but learning a great deal.  Today, sad news that after suffering a massive and sudden heart attack, and after a few days deteriorating in the hospital, he has passed away.
He will be missed, but surely, he lived!


  1. I'm sorry to hear of his death. It sounds as if he was quite a man.

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I was a consistent reader of his and very much enjoyed his contribution to the firearms world.
    Weaponsman was a consistent safe place to read and just learn about what he was interested in. I appreciated the mostly non-political focus of the blog - there was commentary on firearms news of the day, but no chicken littleing about various politicians - there is enough of that everywhere else I read. I will raise a glass of "judgement juice" to him this evening after work. I will miss his work (and it was surely work to maintain the blog). Tango Mike, Hognose.

    - Battleblue1

  3. raven7:49 PM

    I will miss his intelligence and wit.
