Good To Hear Things Are Improving So Rapidly

I mean, it's only been 100 days, and they really did have quite a shock.
“I absolutely despise these people,” one woman tweeted at me after I interviewed Trump voters. “Truly the worst of humanity. To hell with every one of them.”...

I wrote my last column from Oklahoma, highlighting voters who had supported Trump and now find that he wants to cut programs that had helped them. One woman had recovered from a rape with the help of a women’s center that stands to lose funding, another said that she would sit home and die without a job program facing cutbacks, and so on. Yet every one of them was still behind Trump — and that infuriated my readers.

“I’m just going to say it,” tweeted Bridgette. “I hate these people. They are stupid and selfish. Screw them. Lose your jobs, sit home and die.”

Another: “ALL Trump voters are racist and deplorable. They’ll never vote Democratic. We should never pander to the Trumpites. We’re not a party for racists.”
Sooner or later, somebody's going to have to figure out how to show respect. The problem is, as bikers know, you've got to show respect to get respect. Or, as the Irish put it, "Many's the time a man's mouth has broken his nose."


Speaking of bikers and matters of interest to this page, the new "Sons of Anarchy" spinoff has recruited one of the Range 15 crew!

I'll be interested to see how much of the Range 15 style makes it into the series (or if the character, like the actor, is a 75th Ranger vet).


  1. That 'cool' was for the SoA bit.

    On the first bit, I don't know where to go with that. On my worst days, I find myself feeling the same way about them: “I absolutely despise these people,” ... “Truly the worst of humanity. To hell with every one of them.” ... "They are stupid and selfish. Screw them." ... “ALL [Progressive] voters are racist [, sexist, heterophobic, anti-religious bigots] and deplorable. They’ll never vote [for anything but the enslavement of the American people]. We should never pander to the [proglodytes]. We’re not a party for racists.”

    The temper tantrums aren't improving things, either.

  2. In victory, magnanimity. Is this victory? To whatever degree it is, you should be looking for ways to extend mercy.

  3. I still don't know to what degree this is victory, but even beyond that, I do not want a new hot civil war. Therefore, I need to look for ways to find common ground with them and work to change hearts and minds peacefully.

    Sometimes it is good to vent, though.

  4. Gringo4:42 PM

    In victory, magnanimity. Is this victory? To whatever degree it is, you should be looking for ways to extend mercy.

    Tell that to the speakers who get shouted or shoved off campuses. I suggest not mercy, but the boot for those free speech violators- especially because they assume they can do so with impunity. Thus far they are correct.

  5. Since I cleaned up my Facebook feed I'm encountering very little of this attitude lately.
