Democrats Continue to Feud Over Clinton Loss

Who was at fault? Not "deplorables," says Bernie Sanders.

Not millennial feminists, says the New Republic.
In the end, millennial voters, both male and female, were cool to Clinton for a host of reasons. If she was unable to muster their full-throated support, the blame lies with her, not them. Feminism rests on the basis that women should be judged for their worth, but Bordo instead assumes that Hillary Clinton, by virtue of her gender, should have been spared the critical gaze of young women. And that’s sexist.
Let me offer a mild edit that will clarify the issue:

"Feminism rests on the basis that women should be judged for their worth... and Hillary Clinton was."


  1. I like it when they talk about whose fault it is.

  2. I know people who explicitly blame "racists" and "sexists" for voting against Hillary. And they're convinced that they lost because all those racists and sexists came out for Trump. And they loudly declare they will never speak again to those awful awful people.

    And I just shake my head, because (while I won't give them strategy advice) they're setting themselves up to lose again, and lose big, in 2020. Because if you decide that people who voted for Trump are awful racist Nazi pigs who you will never talk to, then how in the hell do you expect to convince them to vote for your candidate next time? You spend four years telling people that they're "deplorable", and you expect them to vote differently?

    The sad part is, most just assume that the Electoral College will be eliminated (because they signed a petition don't you know) or that Trump will be impeached (by a majority Republican House and Senate... as if), or some other form of imaginary wish scenario will make this all go away. I swear, most of these people were functioning adults two years ago. It's like they've developed some form of amnesia about how the world works or something.

  3. I swear, most of these people were functioning adults two years ago.

    They've had quite a shock.
