Understanding the Left in One Picture


  1. It does seem as if standards have slipped lately.

  2. This reminds me of a meme I've seen a number of times over the years about Muslims being gentle and tolerant when they are a small minority, but getting progressively more aggressive and intolerant as they get closer to and then become a majority.

    It seems to be true of the left.

    What is the photo on the left of?

  3. Ymar Sakar10:52 AM

    Lucier's Own have standards which are not standardized.

  4. It is from the Free Speech movement at The University of California, Berkeley, Tom. Here's an interview with John Searle about it. You probably know him best as the inventor of the "Chinese room" thought experiment arguing against claims that a functional AI necessarily would be conscious.

  5. I was thinking, for some reason, the other day, about the old Cole Porter song 'Don't Fence Me In'. It's not that good of a song, IMO, but it does express something that was once considered to be a pretty core attribute of the American identity.

    Today, though, there are an awfully lot of people who seem to WANT to be fenced it.

  6. Eric Blair5:57 PM

    Picture pretty much sums everything up.
