RIP Chuck Berry

I'm sure in the long series of musical deaths of 2016, you probably saw this image:

This time, there's a genuine violent connection.

Chuck Berry was one of the greats, though, as Richards himself says at some length in the clip as a whole. We were lucky to know his work.


  1. Ymar Sakar2:38 PM

    There can only be one. Sounds like something Lucifer was thinking about.

  2. That's not what Lucifer was thinking about. Lucifer was thinking, "Why not two?"

  3. Love the Quickening poster. We saw a bumpersticker once reading "Lowlanders: there can be a few."

  4. Ymar Sakar12:54 AM

    Grim, there can't be two plans of salvation and two saviors of humanity.
