Vision of the US Future?

Self-described anarchists have escalated to killing their political opponents in Greece. There, as here, they describe their opponents as "Nazis." I assume they also really conceive of their opponents in that way, and thus that there -- as here -- they think of themselves as not only justified but virtuous in their actions.


  1. Further evidence that "nazi" is now emptied of its original meaning and now simply means demon, infidel, outsider, enemy, person who wants something different than me, etc.

  2. On the other hand, Golden Dawn has a few features that lend themselves to the label (which they deny):
    "By this time Golden Dawn had adopted several southern Balkan focused regional objectives as its main programme: to promote the idea of a Greater Greece through the expansion of Greek territory into southern Albania (Northern Epirus), the Republic of Macedonia, and southern Bulgaria, and ultimately Greece's reconquest of Constantinople and western Anatolia through war with Turkey; to push for the complete Hellenisation of Greek Macedonia and Western Thrace through the expulsion of Northern Greece's last remaining Slavomacedonian-speaking minority (or so-called Slavophone Greeks) and the Turkish-speaking Muslim minority of East Macedonia and Thrace that dates to the Ottoman period (see Western Thrace Turks); and to combat Islam in the region, such as through contributing fighters to the Greek Volunteer Guard that helped capture Srebrenica—and was thereby complicit in war crimes committed against Bosnian Muslims."

  3. I was going to say—my recollection is that Golden Dawn actually is a national socialist movement. So it's not as inapropos as it might be.

    Nonetheless it's a frightening development. Anything that starts with this idea:
    Many believe that anarchists who are willing to use violence are the only effective means of defending immigrants and liberals against fascist attacks.
    will not end well, regardless of what labels you use in place of "fascist" and "anarchist".

  4. Eric Blair10:34 PM

    Get back to me when any of those antifa NEETs actually off somebody. (Who will turn out to be a well dressed Syrian refugee or something like that).

  5. Well, BLM killed a few. There's bound to be overlap in membership.

  6. There was a 'friendly fire' incident at the Milo event in Seattle in January that turned out to be one "anti-facist" shooting another, though I believe the victim survived.

    I put the odds at 50/50 for one in 2018, and expect at least one outside a Trump rally in 2020.

  7. Ymar Sakar1:01 PM

    Get back to me when any of those antifa NEETs actually off somebody.

    BLM beat you there, American senpai.
