Up Helly Aa

The Shetlands held a Viking festival. The pictures are amazing.


  1. Well, if that Grim's Hall meet-up ever happens, this may have to be considered as a location! That's awesome. I see many tourist dollars coming their way soon.

  2. That more than a bit of a commute. Athens or Dahlonega is a heck of a lot closer.

  3. Looks like fun, for those of you who like fun (I'm a famous party pooper myself). Up Helly Aa as a festival has no actual historical warrant; I believe it was invented in the 19th Century out of whole cloth. Only the Guiser Jarl's guard is dressed as Vikings; the rest of the parade is more like a cold Mardi Gras. But I salute their enterprise and willingness to brave the elements.

  4. It definitely has more of the flavor of Mardi Gras than a historically accurate re-enactment. However, while I greatly enjoy a historically accurate re-enactment, I also like to have fun.

  5. I was tallying up my air miles recently and I'm close to being able to fly out somewhere interesting, I think. Now if I could get the time off ...
