
Holdovers from the Obama administration in the Pentagon are hampering efforts to fix the military’s major readiness problem, leaving Secretary of Defense James Mattis alone in his efforts to properly equip U.S. forces, according to the chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services.
Sounds like Spring Cleaning will need to be especially intense this year.
Their reports revealed, among other substantial problems, only three of 58 Army brigade combat teams are ready for combat, while fewer than half of the Air Force’s aging aircraft fleet is ready to fight.
The Navy/USMC air fleet is similarly handicapped, drawing this bit of commentary from the DB.
Troubling reports just recently released by the Pentagon reveal that as of New Year’s Eve, only 41 percent of Marine Corps aviators were able to get their aircraft up.... Maintenance crews have been working around the clock, polishing the rod, adjusting the heat-seeking missile, cranking the shaft, conducting manual override, clearing the snorkel, debugging the hard drive, priming the pump and frankly just giving it a tug, but none of these techniques have enabled the aviators to achieve altitude.

"I used to be able to fly all night and go deep into enemy territory over and over without a break, but money troubles have really got me down," said Capt. Richard "Snake Charmer" Smythe.
The hangover continues, but hopefully America will be able to purge the last toxins from its system and return to majestic virility -- I mean, "readiness."

UPDATE: It begins.


  1. Holdovers from the Obama administration in the Pentagon are hampering efforts to fix the military’s major readiness problem, leaving Secretary of Defense James Mattis alone in his efforts to properly equip U.S. forces, according to the chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services.

    Fire them, en masse, and terminate the consulting contracts. Of course the civil service unions will sue. That's to be encouraged. Discovery would be fun. And the public trials illuminating. I'd go so far as to declassify relevant data to eliminate that anti-trial pressure point. While talking loudly about the demand by the unions that the nation's secrets be exposed for their union benefit.

    Eric Hines

  2. Ya know, back in November or December I got the oddest email from the Trump campaign. It was a mass email, of course, not to me personally, really. But instead of money, it solicited resumes for positions in the Trump administration. I kinda think they knew what was ahead. I wonder if I should have sent mine in.

  3. I'm jealous.

    Eric Hines

  4. It's probably not too late. There will probably be a lot of positions opening up in the next four years.

  5. Vicki2:51 PM

    I'm not an expert - at anything, really, except maybe TT - which you will understand, Grim - - but I'm reading all these reports of finding leakers in the White House, hold-over personnel in the Pentagon blocking the needed turn-around in our military readiness and all the other obstructionists trying their darnedest to block what Trump wants to accomplish. Then I see where some of them are now getting fired and things will soon start moving in the right direction and I have but one thing to say:


  6. We will not miss them, Miss Vicki. :)

  7. Ymar Sakar1:03 PM

    Bush II broke the military again. Another lie Leftists and their zombies keep repeating to cover up their own sins and guilt.

  8. Ymar Sakar1:05 PM

    Hussein purged the military of patriots. Now the counter purge proceeds.

    This thing tends to escalate to Caesar levels. It is not that they will be missed, it is that they will be back
