FBI Raids Atlanta City Hall

It's part of a bribery scandal that's ongoing. I'm not exactly clear on why it's a Federal offense, although it may be that the state government can't be trusted to prosecute the Atlanta city government.


  1. Tom Wolfe might be an interesting person to hear expand on this issue.

  2. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Hope they go Chicago next, then San Francisco, then LA, Then Boston, in fact all big Democrat Cities.

    Go Sessions, Go


  3. It's not at all unusual for a bribery case to cross State borders, especially when it involves a State government official.

    Eric Hines

  4. That could be it. I just don't know.

    Certainly I wish the Feds well in this one. Atlanta is as corrupt as most city governments, although not in the same league as a Chicago.

  5. Maybe involves federal funds of some sort.

  6. Dad29, what big cities finances aren't all tied up with federal funding anymore? That's probably it.

  7. Ymar Sakar12:17 PM

    Counter Insurgency raids, Grim. A bit late on the time table though, since people resist the very concept.

  8. Gringo7:26 PM

    There was also the Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal. There was a school superintendent in Texas who, while not committing jail-worthy offenses, lost his job for conflicts of interest: being paid for making speeches to clients of the school district. Considering the peanuts for which he got fired, to the salary he lost, he was not using good judgment. I bear no malice towards Atlanta. Like Grim says, it's worse in Chicago.

    Family ties to Illinois and New England will result in my ire rising upon hearing of corruption in Chicago or Boston. I never heard the details, but I was told that a brother-in-law of my brother, courtesy of owning a small construction firm in Massachusetts,got caught in some corruption scandal regarding the Big Dig. To go from laying cement for the basements of 3-bedroom houses to the megatons of cement involved in the Big Dig, well......

    The best way to reduce corruption in government is to reduce government power. The fewer opportunities there are for corruption, the less corruption there will be.
