Where Were You Eight Years Ago?

Chuck Schumer intended to make a reasonable point that Obama didn't receive a courtesy that Tom Cotton was asking for on behalf of a Trump nominee. He ended up opening himself up for a hard-hitting comeback.


  1. Eight years ago, I was walking out of my employer's door over management dishonesty, with no prospects yet developed. It was as easy a decision as Senator Cotton's, for all that I wasn't getting my ass shot at at the time.

    Eric Hines

  2. I was in Iraq on Inauguration Day of January, 2009. I spent the next several months helping to enact the new President's agenda there, which, in its early phase, was not very different from the old President's agenda. It was highly successful, too, in those days.

  3. Eric Blair8:20 PM

    Schumer is such a FPOS. Walking, talking advertisement for term limits.

  4. Oh, it wasn't that Cotton was asking for a courtesy, Schumer had promised- but apparently in a lawyerly way of saying "I promise I won't hold it up", meaning I, not the party I'm designated to lead. Scumbag.

  5. Wasn't Schumer a prosecutor? If so, he ought to know better than to ask a question like that without knowing the answer.

  6. Gringo4:50 PM

    Cotton asked Schumer why he’d gone back on his word. Schumer claimed that he’d only been speaking for himself when he promised to let Pompeo through. “I said that I would not block him,” Schumer said, emphasizing the personal pronoun, according to sources who witnessed the exchange. “I never said that I could speak for 47 other Democrats.”

    That paragraph does not increase my respect for Senator Schumer. He was minority leader and then he wasn't.

  7. Ymar Sakar4:20 AM

    Good job on Schumer for learning deception from a pro: the serpent and Lucifer.

    Cotton's problem is that he didn't know his enemies. Run your own intel, the army won't be doing it for you either way.
